By day, Carlisle Sargent leads the UX and Design team at Lucid – a Market Research tech giant located in the swamps of New Orleans. By night, she is an artist, a poet, a taker of long walks, and a freelance design consultant. She has spoken at open mics and professional conferences and weddings and somehow never gets nervous. She is decidedly a cat person.

Carlisle’s background in User Experience Design was born long ago in a magical graduate program where she was able to blend her love of both psychology (the inner, dripping, mysterious workings of the human mind) and technical writing and creation (context and content for the digital experiences people spend all of their time on). After attaining her Master’s, she spent two years at a badass full service agency in Washington DC called Forum One, where she led the experience design for a number of government and nonprofit web builds and rebuilds.

From DC, Carlisle moved to New Orleans and was the first designer hired at Lucid — brought on to help rebuild the company’s multi-million dollar Market Research platform. Two years later, she is grateful to have a strong team supporting her work and a company that has leaned into the power of great design. Her UX theory philosophy revolves around empathy, data, and accessibility. She promises to always give you her best shot.